Press Releases
10 November 2021

COP26: Members of the NDC Partnership announce the Partnership Action Fund with at-launch commitments of $33million to help developing countries implement their NDCs

COP26 President Designate and NDC Partnership Co-Chair Alok Sharma at the Partnership Action Fund (PAF) High-Level Launch Event. 

  • Countries have set a high bar with new NDCs and are ready to fast track implementation of their climate action plans.
  • To catalyze implementation, developed countries and institutional members are committing and aligning funding to meet developing country’s needs.
  • The Partnership launched the Partnership Action Fund (PAF) to accelerate deployment of funding for technical expertise, capacity building and mobilization of finance for developing countries to implement their NDCs.

The NDC Partnership has today launched the Partnership Action Fund (PAF), with at-launch commitments of $33 million that members will be able to access in order to quickly respond to a developing country’s needs. By pooling funds and making them readily available, the PAF enables a wide range of Partnership members to respond rapidly to country needs, with funding deployed to amplify members’ impact.

The new funding comes as the members of the NDC Partnership announced they are ready to mobilize hundreds of millions of dollars to support the needs of developing countries to fast track the implementation of their NDCs to tackle climate change through sustainable development.

The Partnership brings together 197 members, 98 developing and 18 developed countries and 81 institutions. Members work together to create and deliver on ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to achieve the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Commenting on the launch of the Partnership Action Fund, Minister Pearnel Charles Jr, Jamaican Minister of Housing, Urban Renewal, Environment and Climate Change – Co-Chair of the NDC Partnership:

“Now that the NDC ambitions of developing countries have been raised we must mobilize funding and resources at speed and scale to turn words into action through implementation. Through the membership of the NDC Partnership we have already helped to mobilize over $1 billion to support developing countries in developing and implementing their NDCs. But there naturally remain gaps in the support that can be provided, and we must make sure that no country is left behind. The Partnership Action Fund ensures that no stone is left unturned, and countries can access the technical support that they need. I call on all our members to be ambitious in your actions and align your programs with the needs of the countries.”

Rt. Hon Alok Sharma MP, COP26 President and Co-Chair of the Partnership said:

“The NDC Partnership Action Fund will help countries cover gaps in the implementation of their NDCs and the Partnership will make sure that no country is left behind."

Pablo Vieira, Global Director of the NDC Partnership added:

“The members of the NDC Partnership have already directed significant financing for developing nations into supporting the development of their NDCs and creating action plans. Post COP26, the world is set to swiftly move into the implementation phase where the access to technical expertise and finance will be needed at scale. Members of the Partnership are stepping up to commit and the Partnership Action Fund will support developing countries in accessing these crucial resources.”

The Partnership Action Fund was officially launched by the NDC Partnership at COP26 at its high-level event “Driving NDC Implementation Through Collaborative Action” where speakers included Co-Chairs of the NDC Partnership Minister Pearnel Charles Jr and Rt Hon Alok Sharma and COP26 President. Other speakers included:


H.E. Minister Pearnel Charles Jr, Minister of Housing, Urban Renewal, Environment and Climate Change

United Kingdom

H.E. Alok Sharma, COP26 President Designate

United States of America

H.E. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry

Costa Rica

H.E. Minister Andrea Meza Murillo, Minister of Environment and Energy


Mr. Francesco La Camera, Director-General

United Nations

Development Programme

Mr. Achim Steiner, Administrator


H.E. Minister Per Olsson Fridh, Minister for International Development Cooperation


H.E. Minister Zakia Khattabi, Minister of Climate,  Environment, Sustainable Development and the Green Deal


H.E. Minister Espen Barth Eide, Minister of Climate and Environment

The Netherlands

Ms. Kitty van der Heijden, Vice-Minister for International Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Ms. Ida Auken, Member of Parliament and Former Minister of Environment


H.E. State Secretary Jochen Flasbarth, State Secretary for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety

United Kingdom

H.E. Minister Lee Rowley, Minister for Business and Industry


H.E. Minister Pearnel Charles Jr, Minister of Housing, Urban Renewal, Environment and Climate Change



Notes to editors

For media enquiries:

Chris Speight – / 020 7457 2381

Saskia Vredenburch – / 020 7457 2819


About the NDC Partnership

The NDC Partnership brings together 198 Members, 116 countries – 98 developing and 18 developed - and 81 institutional members, to create and deliver on ambitious NDCs that help achieve the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Governments identify their NDC implementation priorities and the type of support that is needed to translate them into actionable policies and programs. Based on these requests, the membership offers a tailored package of expertise, technical assistance, and funding.

This collaborative response provides developing countries with efficient access to a wide range of resources to adapt to and mitigate climate change and foster more equitable and sustainable development. The NDC Partnership is built on the premise of collective action: by acting together, we achieve more.

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