Our Blogs
08 November 2017

Climate Watch: Data for Climate Action

by Rob Bradley on Medium

In 2015, the world came together for a common goal: to stop global warming and better equip countries to prepare for the effects of climate change. The Paris Agreement allows every country to determine its own path forward to accomplish these goals within the framework of the historic treaty. But to do this, countries need clear and reliable data to understand how they stack up – where they are doing well and where there is room for improvement.

Making relevant data and analysis easily and freely available is central to the NDC Partnership’s mission. That is why the NDC Partnership is excited to launch Climate Watch. Rounding out a family of tools that includes the NDC Funding and Initiatives Navigator and the NDC Toolbox Navigator, Climate Watch is an online platform that puts comprehensive and up-to-date climate data and analysis at the world’s fingertips.

Climate Watch’s clear, accessible, and 100 percent open data makes it possible for anyone to quickly access what they need to understand about country commitments under the Paris Agreement (known as nationally determined contributions or NDCs) and set them in the context of historical greenhouse gas emissions, future projections of emissions, and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Users can compare NDCs and emissions data across countries and sectors, discovering synergies between countries that will enable them to work together, and learn from one another.

Read more on Medium's website.

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