Our Blogs
26 October 2020

Climate Ambition at Speed and Scale: NDC Partnership’s Climate Action Enhancement Package Supports 63 Countries

One year after the launch of the Climate Action Enhancement Package (CAEP), the NDC Partnership is supporting 63 countries as they enhance the quality of their NDCs, raise their climate ambition, and fast-track implementation, through the technical and financial support of 46 partners.


CAEP has delivered support in excess of USD45.6 million in less than 12 months, including USD23.9 million disbursed through the Partnership’s Technical Assistance Fund (TAF) and USD21.7 million leveraged in co-finance from partners. Implementation is progressing at full speed. Enhanced NDCs submitted by Chile, Jamaica, Rwanda and Vietnam are compelling examples of the Partnership’s success in supporting climate ambition alongside our members and partners.


CAEP has fostered speed and responsiveness, and has leveraged the specialized technical resources from a range of members to strengthen support for enhanced and more ambitious climate action. The early results are promising.  All CAEP-supported countries are working to increase the quality of their NDCs, including developing methodologically and analytically robust targets. Nearly all (98 percent) are strengthening internal processes to take greater ownership for their NDC revision. These countries are boldly boosting capacities to lead revision activities and seeking to include a broader range of stakeholders in national climate planning. Most countries supported by CAEP (86 percent) are working to raise their ambition by strengthening emission reduction targets, setting sector-specific targets, or adding adaptation targets.


CAEP’s unique coordinating capacity, speed, and responsiveness has helped sustain climate ambition at a challenging and momentous time for the global community and the climate agenda. Over the next months, this work will continue at full speed as countries prepare to finalize their 2020 NDCs. We will continue to work through our partners to ensure countries have the technical and financial support to shape their NDCs and enable them to deliver on more ambition climate action. 


Browse the Climate Action Enhancement Package (CAEP) brochure.


This blog was written by Amanda McKee of the NDC Partnership Support Unit.


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