Our Blogs
04 November 2016

New Database Helps Countries Navigate the Complexities of Support for Climate Action

Goshime Muluneh, Director of Hawassa Maize Research Sub-center measuring plant height, Wondo Genet Research Center

Now that 190 countries have committed to new national climate plans – known as Nationally Determined Contributions, or NDCs -- under the Paris Agreement on climate change, they are looking for ways to convert these commitments into action. The success of the Paris Agreement on climate change depends in large part on whether countries can do this in a coordinated and effective manner.

The good news is that many governments and multilateral institutions offer technical and financial assistance, some cases have for years. However, navigating the vast, fragmented array of support can be daunting without a way for countries to search through all the available programs to find the aid best suited to their needs. Donor countries and other funders and providers of support could also benefit from a central database, which would help them better understand the channels of existing support, avoid duplication of effort and focus resources on the largest gaps. To address these important needs, the NDC Partnership created the NDC Funding and Initiatives Navigator, released today as the COP22 climate talks open in Marrakech.

A Database to Boost Transparency, Awareness and Access

The NDC Funding and Initiatives Navigator is an online platform that brings together information on support relevant to implementation of NDCs to increase transparency, awareness and access for developing country officials and other stakeholders seeking support, as well as governments and development institutions that want to understand the landscape of existing support. The easy-to-use searchable database aggregates information from many different sources and presents it in a standardized manner.  Try out the NDC Funding and Initiatives Navigator for yourself here.

NDC Navigator Screenshot

How will the Navigator help countries, donors and other stakeholders?

The Navigator guides users to various funding opportunities as well as initiatives for capacity building, technical assistance and other types of support relevant to NDC implementation. It includes information on both funds and initiatives that are open to application for countries as well as information on ongoing bilateral support between countries. Each fund and initiative in the Navigator contains background information including eligibility criteria and steps to access support.

Navigator users can download and share data, submit new or updated information and make inquiries or requests for more information or improved functionality of the database.


NDC Navigator

Developing and Sharing Knowledge

The Funding and Initiatives Navigator aligns with the broader goal of the NDC Partnership – ensuring countries receive the technical and financial support they need to reach ambitious climate and sustainable development targets as fast and effectively as possible. In addition to facilitating technical and financial support, the NDC Partnership aims to create and share knowledge products, tools and best practices that benefit developing and developed countries.

Development of the NDC Funding and Initiatives Navigator was co-led by the German Development Ministry (GIZ), the UNFCCC, the Government of Morocco as the COP22 President and World Resources Institute. Many country governments and other knowledge providers provided input and information as well. With support from these contributors and others, we plan to expand this Navigator beyond publically funded initiatives.

We invite all stakeholders to use the NDC Funding and Initiatives Navigator to fulfill the promises contained in their NDCs and help others do so as well. If you have any questions or feedback, please email knowledgeportal@ndcpartnership.org.

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