NDC Finance


An unprecedented amount of climate finance needs to be mobilized for effective NDC implementation and the achievement of the Paris Agreement goals. With several countries increasing ambition and updating their NDCs in 2020, unlocking access to climate finance remains the most meaningful way to accelerate NDC implementation and drive transformative action. 

NDC implementation requires that the full array of domestic and international resources are effectively deployed. Yet limited access to climate financing remains a chief constraint. Gaining access to financing for climate action is one of the most frequently requested areas of support among NDC Partnership countries.  Countries need support in making the economic case for climate-relevant projects, using available data to clearly articulate the climate rationale, and building the technical skills to demonstrate the technical and financial requirements that underpin a well-prepared project proposal.  


To support its member countries, the NDC Partnership leverages technical and financial support from its institutional and development partners to mobilize both public and private finance for NDC implementation. The NDC Partnership engages frequently with development partners and multilateral finance institutions to seek opportunities for their involvement in and use of NDC Partnership country-level processes, including the development of Project Information Notes (PIN) to support investment needs of countries.  The Partnership is flexible to country requests and priorities. 

For more information on the Partnership’s work on economic recovery, please click here.

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1. Developing climate finance strategies and financial roadmaps for mobilizing and directing financial flows towards NDC implementation:
2. Integrating NDCs into national planning, budgets, and revenue by mainstreaming climate finance considerations into government operations, and allowing governments to assess, mobilize, and track public funds for climate change related purposes:
3. Project and program financing and resource mobilization through financial readiness and project preparation, or by enhancing access climate finance from public and private sources for specific projects and initiatives:
4. Developing bankable projects and pipelines through the identification, assessment, and development of specific projects or pipelines of projects:
5. Private sector engagement in project financing, or alignment with the public sector through sectoral planning or through the development of government incentives:
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