About the Climate Toolbox

What is the Climate Toolbox?

The Climate Toolbox is a curated, searchable database of tools and resources to support NDC planning and implementation. It includes guidance and frameworks, templates, analysis tools, links to other knowledge platforms, and sources of technical support (e.g. help desks) across a wide range of sectors, themes, and activity types. The Toolbox is designed to aid government officials, implementing partners, and any other parties working on NDC planning and implementation. 

The Climate Toolbox draws together the most relevant resources from the NDC Partnership’s members and other leading institutions. Content from over 200 organizations can be referenced and accessed here. 


How do I use the Climate Toolbox?

The resources in the Climate Toolbox are structured around specific activities and sub-activities associated with NDC planning and implementation, spanning across mitigation and adaptation actions. All content is searchable by sector, theme, region, scale, resource type, expertise level, and language. These criteria were developed to enable you to easily find and access the resources most relevant to your needs. 

Helpful tips before you start:

  1. There are over 700 unique resources to sort through in the Toolbox and the database is continuously growing. To narrow your search, you can filter by activity or sub-activity, focus (region, sector/theme, and scale), and resource type (including expertise level and language).  

  2. Most filters allow you to select multiple options – using more than one filter will help you to narrow your results. Results will automatically update below as you add or remove filters. 

  3. A keyword search is also available through the search bar. 

  4. Search results are displayed in alphabetical order. You can sort each column by clicking on the header.  

  5. Clicking on a resource name will take you to a page to access the resource and view additional details.  


What types of resources are included?


Tools: Resources, often guidance documents, frameworks, templates, or analysis tools, that help the user plan and implement NDC activities at the country, sub-national, or project level. 

Knowledge Platforms: Repositories of resources (e.g., tools, data, methodologies, case studies, guidance documents) or platforms that facilitate peer-to-peer knowledge sharing to support NDC planning and implementation.  

Technical Support: Direct assistance for NDC planning and implementation, either free or paid, provided by an organization or initiative. Technical support includes virtual technical expert support (through email, forums, or a help desk), online tutorials, courses, and webinars.


Tools, platforms, and technical support are included in the Climate Toolbox based on the following guidelines: 


Inclusion Criteria

  • Tools (guidance and frameworks, templates, and analysis tools), platforms, and technical support relevant to NDC planning and implementation across sectors, scales, regions, and activity types.  

  • Resources developed or recommended by international experts in climate change policy, planning, and project implementation.  

  • Resources that are developed by, for, or can be adapted by developing countries.  

  • Resources that have been peer-reviewed.  

  • Individual tools must provide guidance and/or stepwise instruction that walks user through a process or framework. 

  • Platforms that house collections of tools and/or other types of resources (e.g., established databases or portals) that provide depth on NDC-related topics. 

  • Technical support from organizations offering customizable help directed to countries and government officials working on NDCs such as help desks for individual questions. 

  • Technical support from government or multilateral organizations offering learning opportunities such as online courses, webinars and trainings.  


Exclusion Criteria

  • Resources without direct linkages to climate action or NDC implementation. 

  • Academic or research journal articles, unless they present a (non-theoretical) framework or similar stepwise guidance related to NDC planning and implementation activities.  

  • Case studies, unless they are structured around a framework or similar stepwise guidance related to NDC planning and implementation activities that could be adapted by other countries (to explore case studies, visit the Good Practice Database).  

  • Resources created by individuals or private, for-profit organizations not funded and directed by a government, research organization or multilateral organization. 


How can I submit a tool or resource to be included?

Please contact us at supportunit@ndcpartnership.org.  



The Climate Toolbox was initially launched in December 2016, developed by a working group that included the NDC Partnership Support Unit, the Government of Morocco, the Low Emissions Development Strategies Global Partnership (LEDS GP), and the Resources to Advance LEDS Implementation Project (RALI) supported by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The Climate Toolbox is maintained by the NDC Partnership Support Unit. 


The Climate Toolbox is not intended to be comprehensive of all NDC or climate-related tools and resources. The Climate Toolbox is meant to provide relevant information on existing planning and implementation tools and is meant to complement, rather than duplicate, existing platforms that provide similar resources. 

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