Youth in Development: From Policy to Practice

Developer or Source: Denmark

These pages contain programme management tools and guidance notes for increased youth mainstreaming. The tools and guidance notes are developed by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) to be used as inspiration when designing, implementing and evaluating development engagements. Each guidance note contains a narrative on the relevance of a sector-specific youth focus, a generic meta-level theory of change illustrating the key features and causalities within a results chain for youth engagement and a youth assessment tool, which describes some of the common and overall hindering and enabling factors for youth engagement in the specific sector. In addition, each note contains a list of guiding questions to include in the youth-focused context analysis as well as a list of references for further reading.

Region: Global
Sectors and Topics: Youth
Expertise Level: Generalist, Practitioner
Resource Type: Guidance and Frameworks
Cost: No
Languages: English, French
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