Training Manual to Support Country-Driven Gender and Climate Change
This manual is meant as a sourcebook for trainers of workshops on gender and climate change and climate finance and offers guidance on how to develop training courses for policy makers and practitioners faced with designing and implementing climate change measures and policies, particularly in Southeast Asian developing countries. It covers key concepts on gender and climate change and the links between them, developments in climate policy and negotiations, the landscape of climate finance, and concludes with step-by-step guidelines for policy and decision makers to mainstream gender into climate policies and projects. All these concepts are complimented with practical tools and exercises to support training, as well as further readings. While the examples and case studies used in the modules are specific to Southeast Asia, most of the information is general and can be can be adjusted to the country context and audience. The information provided in this manual is presented in a manner to accommodate readers and training participants who are not intimately familiar with climate change issues or gender concepts and will enable the audience to become acquainted with technical jargon and terms used in both policy areas.