Opportunities for Increasing Ambition of Nationally Determined Contributions through Integrated Air Pollution and Climate Change Planning: A Practical Guidance document
This guidance document provides a practical framework to help countries identify, prioritize and include mitigation measures to increase a country's climate change mitigation ambition that improve local air quality. It highlights actions to be taken immediately and strategies that can significantly reduce climate change and air pollution impacts with synergistic strategies to safeguard the climate over the longer term. This framework emphasises that the path taken to achieving the Paris temperature targets matters because: i) reducing temperature increases in the near-term (e.g. next 25 years) can reduce climate impacts and feedbacks such as snow and ice melt, sea-level rise and biodiversity loss, ii) reduce the cost of meeting long-term temperature targets and iii) contribute to achieving multiple Sustainable Development Goals through implementation of key SLCP mitigation measures.