Ex Ante Appraisal Carbon-Balance Tool (EX-ACT) 

The Ex-Ante Carbon-balance Tool (EX-ACT) is an appraisal system developed by FAO providing estimates of the impact of agriculture and forestry development projects, programmes and policies on the carbon-balance. The carbon-balance is defined as the net balance from all greenhouse gases (GHGs) expressed in CO2 equivalent that were emitted or sequestered due to project implementation as compared to a business-as-usual scenario.

Region: Global
Sectors and Topics: Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use
Scale: National, Sub-national
Expertise Level: Practitioner
Resource Type: Analysis Tools
Cost: No
Inputs Needed: Type of vegetation Previous land uses of the project area Total forest area before/after project Crop production technique types Enteric fermentation rates Land degradation rates Fire occurrence Soil degradation Peat extraction Fertilizer lime and pesticide usage Energy consumption Irrigation Road building
Outputs Provided: Main output: C-balance resulting from project activities. Estimates of the impact of agriculture and forestry development projects programs and policies on the carbon-balance. Equivalent tonnes of CO2 per hectare and year.
Languages: English, French, Spanish, Other
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