DSSAT Perturb

Developer or Source: CLIMsystems

Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) is a software application program that allows for crop simulation. DSSAT Perturb incorporates climate change factors into the DSSAT software system, allowing for enhanced planning. With DSSAT Perturb, users can explore future climates against your DSSAT crop files by selecting a weather file. Users can ask "what if" questions about how crops might respond to a different climate regime while controlling for other variables, such as precipitation, temperature and solar radiation, within DSSAT.

Region: Global
Sectors and Topics: Agriculture, Disaster Risk Reduction
Scale: National, Sub-national
Expertise Level: Practitioner, Specialist
Resource Type: Analysis Tools
Cost: Yes
Cost Details: $149
Inputs Needed: DSSAT Crop Files
Outputs Provided: Understanding of how different crops might respond to climate stresses
Languages: English
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