Best Practices for Leasing NZE Buildings

Developer or Source: Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI)

An actionable guide explaining the business case and process for developers and landlords to pursue net-zero energy (NZE) leased buildings. NZE buildings are highly energy-efficient buildings that produce enough carbon-free energy to meet the building operations' energy consumption annually. If properly implemented, NZE provides strong returns to developers and landlords, including a 3 to 7 percent higher occupancy rate, 3.5 percent higher rental rates, and 13 percent higher sale value. Using this guide, landlords and tenants can take action with ready-to-deploy resources and model lease provisions.

Region: North America, Global
Sectors and Topics: Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Cities
Scale: Project-Level
Expertise Level: Practitioner
Resource Type: Guidance and Frameworks
Cost: No
Languages: English
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