Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN)

Organization: Asia Pacific Adaptation Network

The purpose is to equip key actors in Asia and the Pacific Region with adequate knowledge for designing and implementing climate change adaptation measures, building capacity to access technologies and finance in support of climate change adaptation, and integrating climate change adaptation into policies, strategies and plans. Objectives of APAN are to (1) improve understanding and knowledge of adaptation to past, current and future climate conditions; (2) enhance capacities to apply knowledge to assess technologies, access finance, and design and implement actions on adaptation; and (3) strengthen the ability to integrate adaptation into development policies, strategies, and plans.

Resources Provided: Case Studies, Expert Support, Peer-to-Peer Knowledge Sharing, Tools
Membership Requirement: No
Region: East Asia and Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, South Asia, Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
Languages: English
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